A ministerial committee inspects the exam results at Al-Noor University College


The ministerial committee formed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research visits Al-Noor University College and inspects the results of students’ performance in the final exams for the second round, in both their electronic and physical forms, for the academic year 2020-2021.  

A ministerial committee inspects the exam results at Al-Noor University College2022-02-03T14:39:10+03:00

Universities communicate with professors at Al-Noor University College


As an expression of the communication of higher education institutions with their professors and their gratitude for their great role, Dr. Mohammad Ali Mohammed Afin, Dean of the College of Arts at the University of Mosul, honored Dr. Mohammed Basil Qasim Al-Azzawi, Professor in the English Language Department at Al-Noor University College, by awarding him the college shield at the conclusion of his chairmanship of the discussion committee for one of the postgraduate students. In the College of Arts, in appreciation of his efforts in serving the college and the university during his years as a teacher, administrator, and dean of the college. The translation department in the college also honored Prof. Dr. Mohammed Basil, which made the discussion appropriate to turn it into a platform of pride, honor, and appreciation for this great scholarly stature and prominent scholar.  

Universities communicate with professors at Al-Noor University College2022-02-03T14:44:12+03:00

A researcher from Al-Noor University College examines the causes of violence against women at a global conference


Dr. Faris Ahmed Al-Dulaimi, a professor at Al-Noor University College, presented a research paper entitled (Violence against women during armed conflicts) within the proceedings of the international electronic scientific symposium entitled (Violence against women and conflict mechanisms), which was held by the Center for Regional Studies at the University of Mosul, the College of Education for Girls - University of Mosul, and the Center for Women’s Studies. -University of Baghdad... He received a certificate of appreciation for this participation, which reviewed a range of acts of violence to which women are exposed during armed conflicts, such as sexual assaults, including rape, forced sterilization, forced pregnancy, forced prostitution, and sexual slavery, as well as torture. ​

A researcher from Al-Noor University College examines the causes of violence against women at a global conference2022-02-03T14:48:53+03:00

At Al-Noor University College, a professor was promoted in the field of constitutional law


The family of Al-Noor University College, the Deanship, administration, departments, faculty, and affiliates, extend their sincere congratulations to Dr. Saleh Hussein Ali, professor in the college at the Department of Law, on the occasion of his academic promotion from to the rank of Assistant Professor, pursuant to Administrative Order 6841 issued by the Department of Private University Education on 8/11/2020, as a culmination of his distinguished experience in scientific research and his abundant giving

At Al-Noor University College, a professor was promoted in the field of constitutional law2021-12-08T00:14:34+03:00

Professor from Al-Noor University College in a discussion committee for a graduate student at the University of Mosul


يتواصل حضور تدريسيي كلية النور الجامعة ودورهم في انعاش حركة البحث العلمي واعداد الملاكات المتخصصة والمؤهلة علميا حيث شارك الدكتور هادي محمد احميد الاستاذ المساعد في كلية النور الجامعة في عضوية لجنة مناقشة طالبة الدراسات العليا امامة قاسم فتحي الساعية للحصول على شهادة الماجستير في قسم علوم الحياة في كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة في جامعة الموصل عن رسالتها( دراسة التأثيرات الكيموحيوية والمرضية النسجية لثاني كلوريد الرصاص في بعض اسماك البعوض) ..المناقشة جرت في يوم الاحد الموافق 2020/11/8 من قبل لجنة يرأسها الاستاذ الدكتور صالح محمد رحيم من كلية العلوم بجامعة كركوك وتضم معه كلا من الدكتور بنان راكان دبدوب والدكتورة آمال عبد [...]

Professor from Al-Noor University College in a discussion committee for a graduate student at the University of Mosul2021-12-08T00:11:53+03:00

A lecturer from Al-Noor University College at a scientific conference for a prestigious university


Within the framework of the participation of Al-Noor University College teachers in scientific research activities of agencies, institutions and organizations with specializations similar to those of the college’s departments, Dr. Nawfel Abdulmalik Zakaria, Assistant Professor in the Department of Dentistry at Al-Noor University College, participated in the work of the international conference held by the Iraqi Dental Association for the period from 23 to 30 October 2020.

A lecturer from Al-Noor University College at a scientific conference for a prestigious university2021-12-08T00:09:53+03:00

The Journal of Legal and Political Research selects a lecturer from Al-Noor University College as part of the scientific body of the journal


يحظى تدريسيو كلية النور الجامعة بموقع الصدارة في رؤية الجامعات والمؤسسات العلمية المحلية والاقليمية والعربية والعالمية لعطائهم العلمي وتقديرها لبذلهم حيث اختارت اسرة تحرير مجلة ابحاث قانونية وسياسية الدكتور فارس احمد الدليمي التدريسي في كلية النور الجامعة ضمن الهيئة العلمية للمجلة التي تصدر عن كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية بجامعة محمد الصديق بن يحيى- جيجل - في الجزائر.  

The Journal of Legal and Political Research selects a lecturer from Al-Noor University College as part of the scientific body of the journal2021-12-08T00:07:54+03:00
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