Asst. Lect.Husam Ali Ghanem

Asst. Prof. Hussam Ali Ghanem Al-Abbasi, a faculty member at Al-Noor University College in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, teaches basketball and fencing. He serves as the head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, a liaison member for the Physical Education Department in the Quality Assurance Department, and a member of the Counseling Committee in the Physical Education Department. He is also a member of the Student Activities Committee for the Physical Education Department. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and Sports Sciences from Mosul University in 2012 and a Master's degree in Physical Education and Sports Sciences from the College of Basic Education, Department of Physical Education, in 2020. He has completed a teaching methods and teaching competency course. He was a member of the Mosul University basketball team from 2007-2013 and a member of the Iraqi Universities team in 2010. He played for several first and premier league clubs (Tal Afar, Ninawa Workers, Al-Hadbah, Al-Futuwa, and Al-Quwa Al-Jawiya) from 2009 to 2013. He was a member of the College of Basic Education basketball and volleyball teams in 2017. He holds a second-degree basketball refereeing certificate and works as a swimming instructor at Ninawa Sports Center.

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