Asst. Lect.Muyassar Qasim Thanon

 Muyasser is a lecturer who joined alnoor University College in 2014 for teaching English Language ( literature). AWARDED M.A. in comparative literature from Mosul University College under the supervision of Assistant Prof. D. Abdul Jabbar Jasim Mohammad. Worked soon as a lecturer in the Teachers Training Institute. He worked many joint researches with his supervisor. Muyasser also participated in some conferences as in College of Arts /,and College of al_ Hamdaniya. Being Apoet and translator, he Published different DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF POETRY. .AS IN : _ SMILES of Catasrophe,2018 _ Poetic Genres,2020 _ Two short novels ( by Doris Lessing,translation) _ Verse plays,2021 _ He also translated Three Plays from Neneveh against War and Oppression, was recently issued in London. MANY WORKS are to be Published in such genres : "THE RED INDIANS ARE THE VICTIMS OF EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION"

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