Early orientation meetings for first-year students at Al-Noor University College

"In the field of introducing new students accepted into the first stage of the departments of Al-Noor University College to university life, accustoming them to its systems, and enhancing their knowledge of it, the Medical Laboratory Techniques Department at the college, under the supervision of the Continuing Education Division, organized an introductory meeting on Tuesday morning, 12/12/2023, in which Dr. Nabil Ahmed Girgis gave a lecture in the field of university conduct rules and student duties in the academic and non-academic fields, he explained the concept of university conduct, including high discipline, respect for the administration, faculty and staff, cooperation with students, refraining from any action that would disrupt order on campus, and preserving study supplies and college property.
Prof. Dr. Yassar Yahya Al-Tamer, Head of the Medical Laboratory Techniques Department at the college, also gave a lecture in the field of university life and the nature of the relationship between students and teachers, specifically for the first-year students in his department, explaining how to evaluate the student during lectures and practical lessons, as well as the final evaluation of the student, which includes dividing the grade into two stages: Mid-course exam and end-of-course exam."

Al-Noor University
