Visit of the Director of the Private Higher Education Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to Al-Noor University College

Continuing the procedures of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in approving the establishment of new scientific departments at Al-Noor University College, Mr. Ali Rizooqi Hussein, the Director of the Private Higher Education Department at the Ministry of Higher Education, visited the college. Accompanied by a delegation, he first met with the nominated faculty members for the new departments. He expressed his deep respect for teaching in Nineveh Governorate and the competence of the faculty members in the universities, including Al-Noor University College. He then listened carefully to precise scientific remarks from several faculty members and positively interacted with them. Afterwards, he conducted a tour to inspect the laboratories and lecture halls in the newly constructed buildings, evaluating their size and furnishings to ensure they meet the study requirements for both theoretical and practical sessions in the new departments

Alnoor University
