Al-Noor University College Chess Championship

"The Department of Physical Education at Al-Noor University College organized an open chess tournament for male and female students and for the ten college departments in the presence of Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the College, and Prof. Dr. Zuhair Al-Khashab, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College, on Monday morning, 4/3/2019, with the participation of 26

Male and 9 female students, and the results for the students were:

The first winner is Ahmed Qutaiba Younis, a student in the first stage of the Pharmacy Department
The second winner is Obaida Ahmed Sabah, a student in the second stage of the Department of Dentistry
The third winner is Abdullah Ahmed Abdul Ghani, a student in the second stage of the Department of Dentistry
The first winner is Russal Khattab Mohammed, a student in the first stage of the Department of Pharmacy
The second winner was Zubaida Qahtan Hassan, a student in the first stage of the Optics Department
The third winner is Zainab Qais Abdul Salam, a student in the first stage of the Department of Dentistry

In the end, Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the College, distributed prizes to the male and female winners. The tournament was supervised and attended by Prof. Dr. Zuhair Qasim Al-Khashab,

Head of the Department of Physical Education, along with Professor Tariq Al-Chalabi."

Alnoor University
