Speech by Professor Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, on the occasion of the start of the new academic year

My sons and daughters, students of Al-Noor University
Today marks the beginning of your academic year 2020/2019. You have successfully passed the stages you were in, and now you embark on a new journey, continuing to receive knowledge and wisdom from your distinguished professors who spare no effort to guide you to excellence and push you to higher and farther horizons in the realm of learning.
We hold a great deal of hope for you to make Al-Noor University College one of the leading institutions in the Iraqi higher education sector through your keenness to acquire knowledge and wisdom during your years of study and your determination to engage in fair competition to excel and lead graduation courses in Iraq.
I urge you to dedicate yourselves to your studies. Your parents are keen to provide you with this opportunity, sacrificing many things for you. Your professors also do the same through their scholarly generosity. Do not disappoint them, as we are confident that you are capable of fulfilling their expectations.
I greet you at the beginning of the year and wish you a year filled with success and excellence.
God bless

Prof. Dr.
Yaseen Taha Al-Hajjar
Dean of Al-Noor University College

Alnoor University
