Photography Exhibition by the Electricity media team

"Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, and in the presence of Engineer Ahmed Amjad Mohammed Ali, Director of the Electricity Distribution Branch in Mosul, a photography exhibition was held on the college premises. The exhibition, organized by the Electrical Engineering Media Team, documented the stages of restoring electrical power to various parts of Mosul, culminating in the entire city being powered up.
Following the exhibition's opening, a special ceremony was held in collaboration between the central electricity distribution company and Al-Noor College. Engineer Ahmed Amjad Mohammed Ali spoke about the journey of restoring power to the city, followed by the distribution of certificates of appreciation to college officials and media and maintenance staff. Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar then presented the Al-Noor Shield to Mr. Ahmed Amjad Mohammed Ali, the Director of the Electricity Distribution Branch."

Alnoor University
