Al-Noor University College interviews applicants to work as teaching staff

"Starting on Sunday, 13/9/2020, the Council Hall of Al-Noor University College witnessed the interview of applicants to work in the college as teaching staff in the specializations that the college had announced. The interviews were supervised by Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the College, and Dr. Nabil Ahmed Girgis, Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs and Dr. Hani Muslim Ahmed, Head of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the college. Then those who were approved for fulfilling the required conditions and obtaining the points required for differentiation signed the contracts stipulated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and were signed on behalf of the college by Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the college, and interviews continue to complete the number by selecting the qualified.

Alnoor University
