Al-Noor University College holds the first student conference for fourth-year students in the Department of English

In the English Language Department at Al-Noor University College, ninety graduation research papers by fourth-year students were discussed as part of the preparations for the first student conference. The conference was held on the morning of Sunday, 29/5/2022, after eight research papers were selected to compete for the top ranks.
The conference began with valuable speeches by Prof. Dr. Yaseen Taha Al-Hajar, Dean of the College, followed by Dr. Ismail Abdulwahab, Head of the English Language Department, who presented his speech, then a video presentation of the open window play was presented, which is written by the international writer Saki, the play was directed and supervised by Asst. Lect. Dalal WaadAllah Dhihab, and the actors were a group of third-year students. After that, a research presentation and discussion session was held chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Basil Qasim Al-Azzawi, assisted by the Assistant Lecturer Osama Wael Suleiman, and the membership of a member of the teaching department faculty as a Scientific Committee. Eight research papers were presented successively and three of them were selected for the top three positions.
The conference concluded by distributing medals, certificates and gifts to the winning students, supervisors, the play actors, college media members and participants in the conference.