An instructor from Al-Noor University College participates in Accomplishing a practical research in the field of enhancing and developing the used Asphalt quality

A group of professors specialized in Industrial and Organic Chemistry published a practical research (in the field of treating and improving the quality of used asphalt) in a journal which is within Scopus containers in the first quarter Q1 with ateS Cicore impact that equals 4.2 and it is also within Clarivite containers with an Impact Factor equals to 3.6. The journal is considered one of the highest journals in international rankings. The research team consisted of Assistant Professor Dr. Khaled Ahmed Owaid and Prof. Dr. Ammar Ahmed Hamdoun from the Department of Chemistry / the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Mosul, and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhannad Yaqdan Saleh from the Department of Control of the Handling of Chemicals and Biological Materials at the Presidency of the University of Mosul and Assistant Lecturer Rand Raad from Al-Noor University College, as well as Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abu Al-Saud Abdulzaher from Beni-Suef University in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Alnoor University
