Al-Noor University College supports and participates in the Mosul Heritage Day..

With the generous sponsorship of Mr. Najm al-Jubouri, Governor of Nineveh, and in his presence, Baytna Foundation for Culture and Arts, with direct support from Al-Noor University College and a number of institutes, organized the “Mosuli Heritage Day” festival, which lasts for three days, starting from Tuesday 21/6/2022, where one of the ancient city sites was chosen on the right side of the river, specifically in Al-Farouq Street - the Great Mosque Neighborhood- near the minaret of Al-Nuri Mosque, coinciding with the day the minaret was targeted and exploded.
The opening activities were attended by Prof. Dr. Yaseen Taha Al-Hajar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, and a large number of personalities, directors of departments and guests, especially the head of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate, Dr. Jabbar Judi, and a group of artists, including (Ihsan Dadush, Jawad Al-Shakarchi, Ali Jaber and Samar Mohamed). Many pictures of Mosuli influential people known for their role in the city’s march and its cultural movement over many years were displayed by placing them at the entrance to the road leading to the celebration on the wall of one of the houses.. The Mosul Heritage Day witnessed the establishment of heritage bazaars and a display of newspapers that were issued in Mosul and then stopped, as well as preparations of Mosuli and Arabic magazines from the twenties of the last century in the place called the House of Journalists, which was taken from one of the heritage houses in the same location as a place for displaying newspapers, magazines, some heritage collectibles and old recording tapes of some of the Mosul artists in addition to a review of a number of local and folkloric bands, Arab Dabkes, and the singing of folkloric songs that were presented by the artist Mohamed Zaki and his band.. The central ceremony was held in one of the largest heritage houses in which Mr. Najm al-Jubouri, Governor of Nineveh, the Minister of Culture representative, the Reconstruction Officer, Professor Dr. Yaseen Taha Al-Hajar, and finally, the organizer of the celebration, Saqr Al Zakaria.. Then other activities were held, including lectures and a debate between Muslim and Christian clerics. The guest artists saluted the people of Mosul at the end of the first day.
‏وفي احد اكبر البيوت التراثية اقيم الحفل المركزي الذي تحدث فيه الاستاذ نجم الجبوري محافظ نينوى وومثل وزير الثقافة ومسؤول الاعمار والاستاذ الدكتور ياسين طه الحجار واخيرا منظم الاحتفالية صقر ال زكريا..ثم اقيمت فعاليات اخرى منها القاء المحاضرات واجراء مناظرة بين رجلي دين مسلم ومسيحي.وقدم الفنانون الضيوف التحايا الى اهالي الموصل في ختام اليوم الاول.”

Alnoor University
