Al-Noor University College participates in the International Conference on Sustainable Development

"Al-Noor University College participates in the International Conference on Sustainable Development
Al-Noor University College participated in the work of the International Conference on Sustainable Development held in the period 12-16 February 2023 at Mosul University under the slogan ""Quality of life""
The Media Office of Al-Noor College clarified about the participation of 25 students from the College supervised by Asst. teacher, Dalal Waad Allah Shehabwhere the students participate in several workshops on sustainable development goals, students’ ideas and proposals to support sustainability in our city will be presented at the closing ceremony of this conference.
The conference activities come in cooperation between the University of Mosul, the German University of Dortmund, the Austrian Kräz, and the participation of Al-Noor College and other universities.
The ceremony began with a recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, recited by Dr. Abdul Malik Suleiman, Director of the Student Activities Department at the University of Mosul. After that, the audience stood to read Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the righteous martyrs of Iraq, followed by a welcome speech by the President of the University of Mosul via a video recording, then a speech recalling the achievements of the the departed Prof. Dr. Anwar Mustafa Al-Faydi, a lecturer at the College of Science, who managed, over a period of six years, the coordination work between the University of Mosul and the participating foreign universities, so that the audience stood to read Surat Al-Fatihah as a tribute to his pure soul, followed by an introductory speech about the conference’s work, delivered by Prof. Dr. Nazim Al-Watar, Director of the German Corner in the Presidency of the University of Mosul, then A video recording of Prof. Dietwald Krohn’s speech, director of the RESI project from the German University of Dortmund, was shown. After that, a group of children from the Ishtar School gave a singing performance on stage, and the Friends of the German Embassy in Baghdad had a video recording of the Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy there, in which he welcomed the establishment of this distinguished conference. Which highlights the energies and ideas of students and their contribution to the quality of life, expressed his pleasure at the return of the University, referring to the Great University Theatre and the Central Library, which have recovered from their near destruction. Prof. Dr. Heike Wendt from the Austrian University of Kräz gave an introduction to the RESI program and the objectives behind holding the seventh student conference between the University of Mosul and the German and Austrian universities of Dortmund and Kräz, and emphasized the necessity of investing students’ ideas and scientific energies towards improving life and its quality. Dr. Amal Zidane also presented the conference. Introducing the conference and the most important topics and scientific workshops that will be on the sidelines of the conference, Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wajid Teacher at the College of Education for Girls presented an introductory paragraph of the efforts of the University of Mosul in international cooperation with international institutions and universities in order to serve students and the Seventh Student Conference. This is evidence of that, calling on students to intensify efforts and liberate distinctive scientific energies and ideas for the quality of life in Mosul and in Iraq in general. The celebration concluded with a theatrical performance presented by people of determination from the Happy Childhood Foundation, expressing pride in their distinguished participation in order to unify their energies and invest them positively in serving the nation.
After the conclusion of the conference celebration, scientific workshops began for the participating students on its first day. Lecture halls were distributed in the colleges of education for girls, science, computer science, mathematics, and the central library."

Alnoor University
