"On the occasion of International Women's Day and seeking to highlight her position in society, the Women's Empowerment Unit at Al-Noor University College has held a seminar entitled (Women are partners, not competitors) on Tuesday, the 7th of March .
The symposium has been begun with the presence of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Mosul Asst.Prof. Dr. Zina Abdel Moneim Abdel Majeed and a member of the Women’s Empowerment Unit Liaison in the College of Pharmacy at University of Mosul, Asst.Prof. Dr. Farah Hazem Omar. The educational and psychological counselor has delivered the symposium’s speech. the trainer in the development of individuals and institutions, Dr. Roaa Ahmed. She has talked about the different aspects of the personality of men and women and how to develop skills, and enhance the role played by women in the workplace.
The symposium has been concluded with meaningful discussions about the responsibility of the two genders in accepting and understanding each other, followed by the distribution of shields and certificates of appreciation to the guests by the official of the Women's Empowerment Unit at Al-Noor University CollegeLect. Zeina Dhabyan)."