Al-Noor University College Has Concluded the Conference of Discussion of The Graduation Projects and Research For its Students of The English Language Department

"Under the supervision of the Dean of Al-Noor University College Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar and in the presence of a ministerial delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research represented by Dr. Haider Sabah Saleh who is Director of the Scientific Affairs Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Private Education and Dr. Qasim Ghazi Muhammad who is Director of the Student Activities Department at the Ministry Higher Education and Scientific Research / Private Education and in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs Prof. Dr. Samir Khalaf, the English Language Department held the second student conference which included a discussion of graduation research nominated for the conference for fourth stage students with approximately 20 research.

The proceedings of the conference were divided into two sessions, the first session was devoted to discussing 8 research papers headed by and the membership of each of

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Basil Qassim (head)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Haseeb Elias Hadid (Member)
Prof. Dr.Abdul Jabbar Jassim Mohammad (Member)
Asst.Lect.Osama Wael Suleiman (rapporteur)

The second session followed to discuss a number of other research papers chaired by and with the membership of each:

Asst. Prof. Dr.Muhammad Abdullah Dawood (Chairman)
Lect. Essam Mohamed Mahmoud (Member)
Lect. Maysar Qasim Al-Khashab (Member)
Asst.Lect.Osama Wael Suleiman (rapporteur)

At the end of the conference, the students who won the top three places and the supervising professors for those research papers were honored. They are:

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Wahhab Ismail
Lect.Essam Mohamed Mahmoud
Asst. Lect.Suha Abdul Mohsen Yahya

This comes out of the keenness of Al-Noor University College to hold and organize such annual conferences on graduation research to add a spirit of competition, support the students' scientific careers and encourage them to develop their ideas."

Alnoor University
