The Student Activities Division at Al-Noor University College announces the results of the annual student competitions

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Yaseenn Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, There was a ceremony on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, to distribute the results of the annual creative competitions organized by the Student Activities Division in the college. The first winner in the field of photography was Ahmed Alaa El-Din Saleh, the second winner was Obayda Abdulhameed Saeed, and the third winner was Dima Sarmad Ishaq. As for the drawing competition, the first winner was the student Safa Ahmed Khudhur, the second winner was Maryam Al-Soofi, and the third winner was Dhuha Basman. In the Fine Arts and Sculpture Competition, the student Manar Abdulhameed won. In Arabic calligraphy, the student Salih Ramadhan Salih won. The judging committees were composed of the Iraqi Plastic Artists Society and the Iraqi Society for Photography. It is worth noting that the dean of the college decided to provide more support and encouragement to all students participating in the college's cultural activities.

Alnoor University
