Dr. Omar Al-Lela discusses a master’s student at Hawler Medical University

"Dr. Omar Qutaiba Al-Lela, a lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy at Al-Noor University College, participated in the discussion of the master’s degree graduate student, Shakar Helo Ali Hussein, about her thesis submitted to the College of Pharmacy at Hawler Medical University under the title
Impact of ubiquinol on angina severity and dyspnea in patients with acute coronary syndrome

The discussion took place in the seminar hall at the College of Pharmacy at Hewler Medical University, and its committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Imad Abdel Jabbar from the College of Medicine at the University of Mosul as chairman, Dr. Omar Qutaibah Badr al-Din, Department of Pharmacy at Al-Noor University College, as a member, Dr. Muzaffar Habib Barzani from the College of Medicine at Hewler Medical University as a member, and Prof. Dr. Kaweh Dizai from the College of Medicine at Hawler Medical University, member and supervisor​"

Alnoor University
