A delegation from Al-Noor University College participates in the activities of Science Week in Iran

A delegation from Al-Noor University College, represented by Prof. Dr. Samir Khalaf Abdullah, Dean Assistant for Scientific Affairs, and Dr. Hani Muslim Ahmed, Director of Quality Assurance, participated within the delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, headed by Prof. Dr. Haider Abd Dahid, Deputy Minister for Scientific Research Affairs, and many Iraqi university presidents or their assistants. During the activities of the Science Week between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, from October 9-12, 2023, at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, where 60 Iranian universities and 30 Iraqi universities participated in the meeting. During the week’s activities, the delegation was briefed on the experience of Iranian universities in the fields of scientific research and its impact on Development, industry, and improving the country. Memorandums of understanding were signed regarding scientific cooperation in many aspects, especially scientific research and joint publishing, and providing facilities for researchers in both groups. Agreements were signed with both the Iranian University of Kurdistan in Sanandaj, which were signed on behalf of the Iranian university by Dr. Habib Soleimani, director of the university president’s office, and another memorandum with Razi University of Iran, signed by its president, Professor Dr. Mohammad Nabi Ahmadi

Alnoor University
