A Professor at Al-Noor University College participates in a discussion committee of a graduate student at the University of Mosul

"Dr. Ismail Ibrahim Dawoud, Professor of Microbiology at Al-Noor University College, participated in the membership of the discussion committee of the doctoral student in the specialty of microbiology, Noha Abdulrazzaq Hamid Abd, about her thesis that she submitted to the Department of Life Sciences in the College of Science at the University of Mosul under the title

The lipop0lysaccharide (LPS) of gram negative bacteria a potential vaccine antigens

The discussion committee was chaired by Dr. Amira Mahmoud Mohammed, professor at the University of Mosul, and its membership included Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Jabbar Hussein, professor at the University of Mosul, Dr. Rayan Mazen Faisal Al-Obaidi, assistant professor at the University of Mosul, Dr. Jassim Fathi Ali Al-Maadidi, assistant professor at the University of Mosul, and Dr. Hiam Adel Ibrahim Al-Taie, Dean of the College of Science at the University of Mosul."

Alnoor University
