The Department of Optics Techniques at Al-Noor University College holds a course in the field of disease diagnosis

As part of the keenness of the scientific departments at Al-Noor University College to hold scientific workshops and courses that keep pace with the movement of people’s lives in their daily reality, especially in the field of diseases, the Department of Optical Techniques, in cooperation with the Division of Continuing Education in the college and under the sponsorship of Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the College, held the tagged course (Diagnosing some parasitic diseases and blood diseases and their impact on the physiological functions of humans) One of the most important topics of this course, which lasted for the period 27, 28, and 29 January 2024, is how to prevent cancerous diseases. Each of Professor, Imtethal Ali Mohammed, from Al-Noor University College, and Professor, Zeina Dhabyan Mohammed Zaki, from University of Mosul, Professor Dr. Abdul Aziz Jameel from Al-Noor University College, Professor Dr. Walaa Abdul Wahed Abdul Aziz from Al-Noor University College, Professor Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud from Al-Noor University College, Asst. Prof. Zahraa Ibrahim Mohammed from Al-Noor University College, and Asst. Prof. Bashar Rasim Karim from the University of Mosul lectured in it

Alnoor University
