Al-Noor University College and the University of Mosul begin the Educational Security Conference

" Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, and in the presence of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamaladdin Al-Ahmedy, President of the University of Mosul, and Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, the conference (Educational Security and its Impact on Preventing Violent Extremism and Fostering Societal Peace) began in cooperation between Al-Noor University College and the University of Mosul in the hall of the Grand University Theater on the morning of Sunday, 11/2/2024, where a group of male and female vocalists took the stage, performing the national anthem and the anthem of the University of Mosul in a live performance, accompanied by a musical choir. Then the official speeches began, in which Dr. Qabas Hassan Awad, Director of the UNESCO Chair in The University of Mosul was followed by a speech by the Francophone University Agency, Mr. Jean-Léon Balliot, which was delivered electronically due to the inability of its owner to attend. Then Mr. Muhannad Adnan Hashem, representative of the National Committee for Culture, Education and Science, gave a speech on the occasion, after which a documentary video was shown about the University of Mosul and Al-Noor University College, prepared by the Department of Media and Government Communication at the Al-Noor University College and the Department of Media and Government Communication at the University of Mosul.
After that, the main speaker at the opening session, the Iraqi thinker, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hussein Shaaban, gave a lecture entitled (Educational Security and the Challenges of the Terrorism Triangle, Intolerance, Extremism, and Violence,
Sociological and Legal Approaches).
Then Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamaladdin Al-Ahmedy awarded the conference shield to Prof. Dr. Abdul Hussein Shaaban and the representative of the National Committee for Education, Culture and Science.
After a brief break, two research sessions were held in two halls of the College of Education for Pure Sciences."

Alnoor University
