The Arabic Language Department at Al-Noor University College holds a special competition for memorizing the Holy Quran

Al-Noor University College is keen to stimulate the creative energies of its gifted students in various types of creativity, foremost among which is memorizing and reciting the Holy Qur’an where the Arabic Language Department held a competition for memorizing the Holy Qur’an with the participation of fourteen male and female contestants who competed for the first three places with arbitration carried out by a committee composed of Dr. Taima Abdel Mohsen Mohammed, director of the women’s reading centers for memorizing the Holy Qur’an at the Sunni Endowment, Dr. Rawaa Luqman Younis, director of the Tijan Women’s Center, assistant lecturer Ali Latif, teaching in the Arabic language department, and assistant lecturer Aya Nofal, professor in the same department. In the end, student Abdul Karim Ahmed won first place and student Tayba Salah Mohammed won second place, and student Noor Walid Youssef won third place.
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