"Within the framework of Al-Noor University College’s keenness to communicate with cultural, scientific and intellectual figures and host them from their places of living, no matter how far away, in order to achieve live interaction between them and the college family, including its teachers, employees and students on the one hand and the people of Mosul of all classes on the other hand,
The college hosted the artist, researcher, and musician Sultan Al-Khatib, along with the creative Iraqi journalist and poet Hassan Abdel Hamid.
On the first day, a tour was organized for him around the college that enabled him to see the nature of our students’ academic lives and the extent of the technologies used to enhance their learning.
In the evening, the college organized a visit for him to the Baytna Foundation and parts of the old city to see the reality of Mosul life emerging from the fire of gang occupation and the effects of the difficult liberation operations, and how Nineveh is recovering in line with its historical stature. It also allowed him to visit the Museum of Hayat Al-Mosul in Baytna, which preserves living examples of what Mosulites of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries used, including tools, utensils, coins, clothing, antiques, and furniture."