Students of Al-Noor University College take experimental evaluation exams

"In the context of preparing to conduct assessment exams for students of public and private universities and colleges, and to accustom students to them, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research instructed the holding of trial exams. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of the College, and his follow-up, the ministerial trial exam was conducted at Al-Noor University College for the Department of Dentistry,
the fourth stage includes the dental prosthetics subject, the Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques includes the Bacteriology subject for the second stage students, Clinical Chemistry for the third stage students, the Clinical Immunology subject for the fourth stage students, the Department of Radiology Techniques includes the Radiological Examinations subject for the second stage students, the Radiological Physics subject for the third stage students, and the Magnetic Resonance subject for the fourth stage students.
The exams were conducted very smoothly and there were no problems or obstacles,
and it was attended by teams from the committee of deans of colleges corresponding to the specialization from the universities of Nineveh Governorate
and under the supervision of the Ministerial Committee via the Internet"

Alnoor University
