Al-Noor University participates in an Iraqi workshop for preparing the national resident

Dr. Sabah Hussain Mohammed Hussein, Assistant Professor in the Arabic Language Department at the College of Education, Al-Noor University, represented the university at a workshop on the practical aspect of the preparatory course for the national resident, and the training session for preparing programs for the Educational Group Colleges' accreditation. The workshop, held at Al-Imam Al-Kadhim College in Baghdad on Monday and Tuesday, April 29th-30th, 2024, was prepared by the National Council for Accreditation of Educational Group Colleges in the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, under the leadership of Professor Dr. Haider Hatem Saleh and the council's team comprising Professor Dr. Fathi Mashal from the College of Basic Education at Mosul University, Professor Dr. Haider Mohammed from the University of Nasiriyah, and Dr. Engineer Ahmed... The workshop included seminars presented by the accreditation council's team on the first day, and practical application sessions on the second day, where each group was assigned to study and apply evidence collection methods practically for each of the six accreditation criteria. Each group's leader presented a seminar for 5-10 minutes, outlining the results and key suggestions. Subsequently, a discussion session (visit report) was held, where a team of seven PhD-holding professors from various Iraqi universities examined and applied the sixth criterion to the Kindergarten Department and the Administrative Institutions of the College of Al-Imam Al-Kadhim (Accounting Department) and (Engineering Department).

Alnoor University
