Students of Al-Noor University are taking their midterm and final exams on Saturday, 18/5/2024, in the presence of a ministerial committee and a committee of deans from the faculties of health and medical technologies, and law.

Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, President of Al-Noor University, and the oversight of the central examination committee, along with the monitoring of the ministerial committee and the Committee of Deans of Health and Medical Technologies and Law, the evaluation and final exams for students of Al-Noor University were conducted on Saturday, 18/5/2024. The evaluation exams were held in the Colleges of Health and Medical Technologies and Law. Second-year students in the Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques took their end-of-second-semester exam in Medical Parasitology and Entomology 2, and fourth-year students took their end-of-year exam in Diagnostic Bacteriology. In the College of Law, second-year students took their end-of-year exam in Obligations, and fourth-year students took their exam in Commercial Papers. Additionally, students from various departments and stages in the Colleges of Health and Medical Techniques, Education, Engineering, Dentistry, and Pharmacy undertook their end-of-year, mid-second-semester, and end-of-second-semester exams according to their respective study systems.

Alnoor University
