A prominent Canadian journalist visited Alnoor University and met with its President. He expressed his admiration for the university after touring its various facilities and landmarks.

On Monday, May 27th, prominent Canadian journalist Fabrice Pierrebourg from L'Actualité magazine, published in Montreal, the capital of Quebec, visited Alnoor University. His visit was part of a journalistic tour that included various scientific, cultural, and heritage sites in the city of Mosul.
At the start of his visit, Pierrebourg was received by Professor Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, President of the University, in his office. The meeting was also attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Ismail Abdulwahab, Vice President for Scientific Affairs. During the meeting, Dr. Al-Hajjar provided a comprehensive overview of the university's history, its institutional development, and the expansion of its academic departments. He highlighted the university's transformation from a college to a full-fledged university, which has achieved a high rank in the Iraqi academic classification. Dr. Al-Hajjar also discussed the significant role Alnoor University played in 2017 by accommodating students and faculty from Nineveh's universities at its initial location in Bartella after the liberation of Mosul from terrorism, allowing them to resume their studies and professional duties after a three-year hiatus.
Pierrebourg expressed his great admiration for the administrative and academic procedures at the university after being given a tour of its scientific, administrative, and laboratory departments across various faculties and formations.


Alnoor University
