Alnoor University holds its second International Scientific Conference on Aviation and Sustainable Development at Gelisim University in Istanbul.

Alnoor University continues to stay abreast of modern scientific developments and reaffirms its commitment to advancing its scientific activities. It has dedicated itself to holding the second edition of its International Scientific Conference on Aviation and Sustainable Development at Gelisim University in Istanbul, Turkey, with the participation of researchers from various countries around the world.
The conference program on its first day began with a speech delivered by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Gelisim University. This was followed by a speech from Dr. Ismail Abdul Wahab representing Alnoor University on behalf of Professor Dr. Yaseen Taha Al-Hajjar, the university president. A video introduction to Alnoor University was then presented, followed by the opening research presentation by Professor Talal Youssef.


Alnoor University
