New research by the Assistant President of Alnoor University for Scientific Affairs on the use of AI in education has been published in the Indian journal Journal of Scientific Research within Scopus database.

Assistant Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Wahab, Assistant President of Alnoor University for Scientific Affairs, has had his new research accepted for publication in the Indian scientific journal Library Progress International, which is indexed in Scopus.
   The research is titled (Enhancing Peer Feedback in English-to-Arabic Translation: The Role of Computer-Mediated Communication)
Enhancing Peer Feedback in English to Arabic Translation: The Role of Computer-Mediated Communication
It examines the impact of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) on enhancing peer feedback in English-to-Arabic translation learning, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving collaboration and feedback quality. The research recommends adopting (CMC) in translation education to improve feedback efficiency and the learning process.


Alnoor University
