The Dean of the College of Dentistry at Alnoor University heads the discussion committee for a PhD student at the College of Dentistry, University of Mosul.

Professor Dr. Talal Hamid Al-Salman, Dean of the Dentistry at Alnoor University, chaired the discussion committee for the doctoral thesis titled:
"The Effect of Integrating Selenium Nanoparticles with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate on the Effectiveness of Pulp Therapy: An In Vivo Study."

 The thesis was presented by researcher Najwan Fadhil Shahab Ahmad to the Department of Conservative Dentistry at the College of Dentistry, University of Mosul.

The practical part of the thesis focused on evaluating the histological response of the pulp tissues following direct pulp capping (DPC) using high-plasticity Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA HP) combined with selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs). Specifically, it explored the effect on modifying the biological properties of MTA HP. The study showed that adding 1% selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) to MTA HP enhances biocompatibility and accelerates the healing process.
 The discussion took place on Sunday, December 8, 2024, and included committee members: Assistant Professor Dr. Manar Muzhfer Al-Nama, Assistant Professor Dr. Susan Hamid Ahmad, Assistant Professor Dr. Raghad Adnan Rasheed, and Assistant Professor Dr. Mohannad Yaqzan Saleh. The session was supervised by Assistant Professor Dr. Nadia Hamid Hassan and Professor Dr. Hana Khalil Ismail.
The thesis was accepted after the necessary amendments were made.
Professor Dr. Munir Al-Badrani, Vice President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs, attended the discussion. At the end of the session, Professor Dr. Talal Al-Salman was awarded a certificate of appreciation.


Alnoor University
