The College of Pharmacy and the BMVJ Journal at Alnoor University Organize a Third Training Workshop

With the release of the first issue of the BMVJ Journal, focused on medical and health sciences, Alnoor University, in collaboration with the College of Pharmacy في الجامعة سلسلة من الورش التدريبية،التي تمكن الملتحق بها من اتقان كتابة البحث ونشره وتعزز قابلياته وخبراته في هذا المجال..سبق للمجلة ان انجزت ورشتين الحقتهما صباح يوم السبت الموافق 2025/1/25 بورشة تدريبية ثالثة في موضوع Medical study design
, launched a series of training workshops aimed at helping participants master research writing and publishing, enhancing their skills and experience in this field. The journal had previously completed two workshops and followed them with a third training session on the topic of Medical Study Design on Saturday morning, January 25, 2025. The session was presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Qutaiba Al-Layla , Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The number of attendees exceeded 80 participants.


Alnoor University
