Women’s Role in Decision-Making: A Workshop at Alnoor University.

In implementation of the third national plan (Women, Security, and Peace / Pillar of Participation and Institutional Reform, Section 1: Family Leadership in Society), the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Education. , Alnoor University, organized a workshop titled ‘The Role of Women in Decision-Making.’ The workshop was attended by a number of students and female faculty members. Dr. Shahrazad Mohammed Shihab , the head of the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Education,
gave a lecture in which she clarified the role of decisions in our lives. She discussed the steps of decision-making, types of decisions, decision classification, and decision-making skills to ensure that decisions are made without risks. She also emphasized learning from past mistakes to enhance an individual’s ability to make better decisions in the future.


Alnoor University
