Results of the Alumni Communication Form for the Rehabilitation and Employment Division

After sending out the Alumni Communication Form to assess the status of students after graduating from Alnoor University, the following was revealed based on their responses:

Analysis of Data from the Alumni Survey for Alnoor University Graduates (2023-2024):
1- The birth years of Al-Noor University graduates for 2023-2024 range from 1991 to 2002, with the largest percentage (23%) being born in 2001.
2- The male graduates outnumber the female graduates with a ratio of 53%.
3- The percentage of graduates from each college for the year 2024:
Dentistry: 10%
Pharmacy: 10%
Health and Medical Technologies: 65%
Law: 7%
Education: 7%
4- The percentage of Alnoor University graduates who are employed is 5%, compared to 95% who are not employed.
5- 100% of graduates expressed a desire to find employment.
6- 79% of graduates prefer to work within their field of study.
7- 12% of graduates reported having no work-related skills.

Suggestions and Feedback Provided by Alnoor University Graduates for the Year 2024:

Graduates of the College of Dentistry:
Provide workshops and training opportunities in hospitals, clinics, and medical centers and offer training opportunities to qualify for roles as medical representatives.

Graduates of the College of Pharmacy:
Provide workshops and training opportunities in pharmacies, hospitals, and drugstores.

Graduates of the College of Health and Medical Technologies:
Offer workshops and training opportunities in hospitals, radiology centers, optical centers, dental manufacturing centers, medical centers, clinics, and laboratories.

Graduates of the College of Law:
Provide workshops and training opportunities in law firms, legal companies, and real estate offices.

Graduates of the College of Education:
Offer workshops and training opportunities in private schools, language institutes, and teaching training courses.

Feedback from the Rehabilitation and Employment Division:

1- Work on contracting and agreements with private companies to identify the specialties that companies are looking to hire from the fields represented by our graduates, and provide training opportunities to prepare them for potential job openings within the company.
2- Communicate with hospitals, medical centers, and private pharmacies to provide training opportunities for our graduates in the required fields of work.
3- Communicate with private schools and institutes to understand the desired educational specialties and contribute to creating job opportunities for graduates in the educational sector.
4- Develop and prepare students for employment during their final stages of study by organizing workshops, courses, and training opportunities in institutions and the private sector.

Alnoor University
