On the occasion of International Arabic Language Day, and in the presence of Professor Dr. Yaseen Taha Al-Hajjar , President of Alnoor University, and Dr. Ismail Abdul Wahab, , Assistant President of the University for Academic Affairs, a central cultural celebration was held by the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education. The event began with a speech by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Khazal Fathi Zidan , in which he highlighted the richness of the Arabic language and the breadth of its meanings. Next, Dr. Haider Mahmood Abdul Razzaq , a lecturer in the Department of Arabic Language, recited a poem about Mosul. Following that, Professor Dr. Ghanem Said Hassan, a faculty member in the department, delivered a lecture about the grandeur of the Arabic language and its selection as the language of the Holy Qur’an. Assistant lecturer Huda Salem n the department, also gave a speech on the occasion, and first-year student Ammar Yasser delivered a speech on behalf of the students. Finally, writer Nahid Al-Ramdhani, Head of the Cultural and Artistic Activities Division at the university, gave a speech about the efforts to elevate the language as a means of personal growth. The event concluded with the cutting of the annual celebration cake, and the distribution of books donated by critic Jassim Khalaf Elias , Assistant Dean of the College of Education for Academic Affairs, to the students.