A new Conference to Build Communications Bridge prepared by Relation Department Staff of Al-Noor University College


حضر كادر العلاقات العامة في كلية النور الجامعة الاجتماع التمهيدي الموسع الخاص بعقد مؤتمر مد الجسور وتعزيز اليات التعاون بين الحكومة المحلية والجامعات والمنظمات غير الحكومية في محافظة نينوى – هدفاً لتحقيق التكامل المجتمعي وذلك في ظهر يوم الاربعاء الموافق2023/5/17 يحظى هذا المؤتمر بدعم كلية النور الجامعة ومشاركتها الواسعة في اعمال التهيئة له..هو يقام برعاية لجنة التعليم النيابية ومحافظة نينوى

A new Conference to Build Communications Bridge prepared by Relation Department Staff of Al-Noor University College2023-05-18T22:41:05+03:00

Arabic Department at Al-Noor University College cooperates in holding an Arabic poetry festival with the College of Arts


Al-Noor University College participated in supporting the Fifth Student Poetry Festival, which was organized by the Arabic Department at the College of Arts - University of Mosul. In the presence of Dr. Mohammed Ali Mohammed Afeen, Dean of the College of Arts, Prof. Dr. Khazal Fathi Zaidan, the Department’s head of Arabic Language with a team of instructors including Asst.Lect, Ahed Talal Al-Khalidi who is entrusted to coordinate with the College of Arts to hold the festival. It was attended by the Student Activities director and the media advisor which included several poems delivered by the instructors and their students of the two departments. [...]

Arabic Department at Al-Noor University College cooperates in holding an Arabic poetry festival with the College of Arts2023-05-18T08:21:30+03:00
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