Lect. Dr.Talal Taha Ali

Dr. Talal Taha Ali is a lecturer at Al-Noor University College joined in March 2023, teaching the subject of human biology, histology and microbiology. He studied at Curtin University in Australia and the Bary Institute in Italy. He obtained a doctorate from the University of Mosul, College of Agriculture and Forestry, and College of Science, Department of Biology, Microbiology. He attended several conferences as a lecturer, representing Iraq in international forums. Interested in therapeutic nutrition and herbal medicine. He also taught in the Department of Pharmacy Technology at Northern Technical University for the academic years 2021-2023. He also taught at the Agricultural Technical College for the 2018-2019 academic year. Member of the Union of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (Arinina), member of the committee for writing the constitution of Iraqi medicinal herbs. He published several different scientific researches, worked for ECARDA and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and represented Iraq in Geneva under the CITES Convention. He published a number of medical and taxonomic publications specialized in botany, therapeutic nutrition, and medicinal herbs.

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