Getting an education can improve the quality of life and prepare future leaders who will find solutions to global challenges. Providing children with education in technical, vocational and entrepreneurial skills will serve as the basis for sustainable development through scholarships and educational facilities as well as eliminating gender disparity in access to education.

Al-Noor College’s achievements in the goal of Quality Education
 Providing spacious, air-conditioned classrooms equipped with the latest electronic devices such as smart boards and data show
 The college has equipped its educational laboratories with the latest medical equipment that helps the student keep pace with scientific development.
 The college held a group of workshops and training programs for college teachers in various specializations, including linguistic and technical, to ensure the highest levels of quality in teaching.
 The college encourages students to move towards specialization and profession through scientific and cultural visits to enable them to gain experience and practice their profession.
 The college provides opportunities for all components of society, regardless of religion and gender.
 The college provides people with special needs with all means that help them practice the educational process and be on an equal footing with their peers.
 Providing a simulation doll for students of the medical and technical departments.
 A workshop entitled (Developing moral growth among university youth).
 A course in professional e-learning.
 A workshop entitled (Developing positive thinking among students).
 Art and book exhibitions in the college gardens.
 Discussing distinguished research in the field of human biology and scientific fields.
 Holding a conference on the English language, literature, and teaching methods.
 Holding discussion seminars for final stage students. These seminars aim to complete the curriculum components in the scientific aspect and raise the level of students.
 Performing the first surgery to remove a benign tumor in the dental department.
 Holding conferences related to student research.
 A workshop entitled (Simultaneous translation and its difficulties).
 Holding a development course in the Arabic language for all teaching staff.
 The college sponsors the “Back to School Festival” in Nineveh Governorate.
 Holding a development workshop for teaching staff on the use of interactive whiteboards and the use of modern educational methods.
 Holding the first language development course for the English language for all teaching staff.
 A scientific visit to the Badoush Cement Factory / construction engineering and project management students.
 Holding the Scientific Pharmacy Forum under the slogan (Pharmacists are a symbol of ambition and light) in the college.
 A scientific visit to the Diwan Residential Complex to review the implementation stages of work by the Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management.
 A scientific visit to Nineveh Secondary School for first graders to learn about teaching methods.
 Holding the second scientific conference for linguistic and literary studies and contemporary teaching methods.
 Under the sponsorship of the Dean of the College, a special book was published on the research papers of students in the English Department, consisting of (350) research papers, issued by Mashki Printing and Publishing House.
 Holding the second student conference included theatrical performances, linguistic speeches, and student scientific research.