Al-Noor University College supports an international scientific conference at the College of Nursing at the University of Mosul


بدعم من كلية النور الجامعة ومشاركة مؤسسات وشركات ومكاتب ناشطة في المجال الطبي اقامت كلية التمريض في جامعة الموصل مؤتمرها العلمي العالمي تحت عنوان التمريض المستدام وهو خاص باستدامة الخدمات التمريضية في المؤسسات الصحي حظي المؤتمر برعاية معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي وشهد حضور رئيسي جامعتي الموصل ونينوى وعدد من عمداء الكليات فيهما وشخصيات معروفة في الوسط الطبي. تواصلت اعمال المؤتمر على مدى يومين هما 19 و20 من ايلول 2023 وقد خصصت لعمادة كلية النور الجامعة كلمة في استهلال فقرة الكلمات وكان حضور الكلية ملموساََ وفعالاََ .. [...]

Al-Noor University College supports an international scientific conference at the College of Nursing at the University of Mosul2023-10-19T10:01:22+03:00

A professor at Al-Noor University College chairs a discussion committee at the University of Mosul


Dr. Farha Khalaf Omar, a professor at Al-Noor University College, chaired the discussion committee of the master’s student in environmental sciences, Rehab Saleh Abdullah Saleh, about her thesis submitted to the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies at the University of Mosul under the title (Assessing pollution with plastic particles inside buildings). The discussion committee included both Dr. Abdel Moneim Muhammad Ali, assistant professor at the College of Science at the University of Mosul, Dr. Ansam Ahmed Saadoun, teacher at the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, and Dr. Rasha Khaled Sabri, teacher at the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies. [...]

A professor at Al-Noor University College chairs a discussion committee at the University of Mosul2023-10-16T10:47:00+03:00

The Department of Arabic Language at Al-Noor University College holds a new book signing ceremony


Within the cultural season of the Arabic Language Department at Al-Noor University College, the department held a signing ceremony for the book (The Ego in the Prose of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God bless his face) by the teacher Ahed Talal Salim Al-Khalidi, assistant lecturer in the department, where Professor Dr. Khazal Fathi Zaidan, head of the department, gave a speech that opened the celebration. The critic, Dr. Jassim Khalaf Elias, a teacher in the department, spoke about the work in terms of its structure, and the author, Mr. Ahed Talal Salim Al Khadi, highlighted the dimensions of his work. Finally, Dr. Iman Khalifa spoke about the work, and the book was signed by the author and distributed to the attendees.

The Department of Arabic Language at Al-Noor University College holds a new book signing ceremony2023-10-16T10:47:49+03:00

Dr. Mohammed Basil Al-Azzawi supervises a doctoral thesis at the University of Duhok and joins its discussion committee.


On Monday morning, 10/9/2023, a discussion of a doctoral thesis submitted by the graduate student at the College of Languages at the University of Duhok, Osama Hamid Ibrahim, in the specialty Applied Linguistics/ Translation, took place. The thesis was completed under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Basil Qasim Al-Azzawi, professor in the English Language Department at Al-Noor University College. Qualified teachers from the universities of Duhok, Saladin, and Mosul participated in its discussion, and the thesis was approved with high rating.

Dr. Mohammed Basil Al-Azzawi supervises a doctoral thesis at the University of Duhok and joins its discussion committee.2023-10-10T11:33:22+03:00

A delegation from Al-Noor University College participates in the activities of Science Week in Iran


شارك وفد من كليه النور الجامعه ممثلاً بكل من الأستاذ الدكتور سمير خلف عبدالله معاون العميد للشؤون العلميه والدكتور هانى مسلم احمد مدير ضمان الجوده ضمن وفد وزاره التعليم العالى والبحث العلمى برئاسة الأستاذ الدكتور حيدر عبد ضهد وكيل الوزير لشؤون البحث العلمى والعديد من رؤساء الجامعات العراقيه او مساعديهم فى فعاليات أسبوع العلم بين العراق وجمهورية إيران الاسلاميه الفتره من ٩-١٢ تشرين الأول ٢٠٢٣ فى رحاب جامعه فردوس فى مدينه مشهد حيث شاركت فى اللقاء ٦٠جامعه ايرانيه و٣٠ جامعه عراقيه.. اثناء فعاليات الاسبوع اطلع الوفد على تجربه الجامعات الإيرانية فى مجالات البحث العلمى وأثره فى التنميه والصناعه وتطوير البلد [...]

A delegation from Al-Noor University College participates in the activities of Science Week in Iran2023-10-10T09:49:03+03:00

Al-Noor University College is an accredited center for English language proficiency tests (IELTS)


Al-Noor University College signed a partnership agreement with Netcom Systems, a company accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where the college was accredited as an examination center for conducting the international academic IELTS tests. The college begins registering the names of students wishing to take these tests from now, and the tests will be conducted in-person within the college.

Al-Noor University College is an accredited center for English language proficiency tests (IELTS)2023-10-08T22:30:30+03:00

Al-Noor University College celebrates pioneering pharmacists and graduating students in light of World Pharmacist Day


في ظل حلول يوم الصيدلة العالمي اقامت كلية النور الجامعة احتفالية واسعة بحضور عدد من رواد الصيدلة ومسؤولي كليات واقسام الصيدلة في الجامعات حيث تحدث الاستاذ الدكتور ياسين طه الحجار عميد الكلية عن معنى هذا اليوم واهميةمثل هذا اللقاء،اعقبه الاستاذ الدكتور عصام حمو رئيس قسم الصيدلة بالقاء كلمة القسم.. ثم تحدث الدكتور عمر الليلة التدريسي في القسم عن فكرة استحداث مركز النور البحثي للتدريب والتطوير الصيدلاني بعد ذلك تم عرض فيديو تعريفي بالقسم وبعلم الصيدلة ثم تلا الدكتور عمر الليلة قسم الصيادلة وردده بعده الطلبة المتخرجون في الدورة الأولى ،ثم تم تكريم رواد الصيدلة ومسؤولي كلياتها واقسامها العلمية بدرع النور [...]

Al-Noor University College celebrates pioneering pharmacists and graduating students in light of World Pharmacist Day2023-10-07T15:43:34+03:00

A professor from Al-Noor University College participates in a workshop held in light of the annual Pharmacists’ Day


On the occasion of World Pharmacists Day, Dr. Omar Qutaiba Badr Al-Din Al-Lela, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy at Al-Noor University College, participated as a speaker in a workshop held by Tishk International University in Erbil (UIT) on Thursday, 9/28/2023, the title of the lecture was (Developing Clinical Pharmacy Teaching in Iraq)

A professor from Al-Noor University College participates in a workshop held in light of the annual Pharmacists’ Day2023-10-07T08:40:05+03:00

A lecturer from the Law Department discusses a doctoral student from the University of Mosul about her thesis in public law


شارك الدكتور صالح حسين علي الأستاذ المساعد في قسم القانون في كلية النور الجامعة في عضوية لجنة مناقشة طالبة الدكتوراه نغم عبد الستار حسين عن اطروحتها التي تقدمت بها الى فرع القانون العام في كلية الحقوق بجامعة الموصل تحت عنوان ( آلية رقابة القضاء الدستوري على الاغفال التشريعي/ دراسة مقارنة) جرت المناقشة في يوم الاثنين الموافق ١١ ايلول ٢٠٢٣ وحضر جانبا منها الاستاذ الدكتور قصي كمال الدين الاحمدي رئيس جامعة الموصل والاستاذ المساعد الدكتور وسام نعمت ابراهيم السعدي عميد كلية الحقوق وعدد من اعضاء مجلس الكلية وتدريسييها . تناولت الاطروحة الإغفال التشريعي والرقابة الدستورية عليه والذي يتحقق عندما يقوم المشرع [...]

A lecturer from the Law Department discusses a doctoral student from the University of Mosul about her thesis in public law2023-10-05T12:24:33+03:00

Our teachers at an international conference in Lebanon about sports sciences


With support from Al-Noor University College and organization from Arab Association for Sport Psychology, an elite group of teachers from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the college participated in the work of the second joint international scientific conference under the title (Sports Science and its Future Prospects in Developing Arab Sports), which is being held today in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and will continue. Until October 5 of this year, the conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, Dean of Al-Noor University College, and he gave the opening speech for the conference. On the other hand, the participation of professors from Al-Noor University College varies between presenting research, managing sessions, interventions, and evaluating the work of the sessions. [...]

Our teachers at an international conference in Lebanon about sports sciences2023-11-14T15:07:55+03:00
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