Slot Pulsa a 2023-11-28 – جامعة النور

Slot Pulsa

A new lecture on the schedule of lectures for the teaching staff of the Department of Dentistry outside the student halls


ضمن الخطة السنوية لوحدة التعليم المستمر في كلية النور الجامعة  نظم قسم طب الاسنان جلسة  محاضرة علمية تحدث فيها الدكتور قبيس حاچم محمد عبد الله المدرس في القسم عن Esthetic in Dentistry صباح يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 2023/11/28 في قاعة المؤتمرات في بناية المختبرات في الكلية

A new lecture on the schedule of lectures for the teaching staff of the Department of Dentistry outside the student halls2023-11-29T08:58:56+03:00

A new meeting on the way to holding the first educational security conference


As part of the early preparation for the first global educational security conference, which is held in cooperation between Al-Noor University College, the University of Mosul, and the UNESCO Chair, a meeting took place between representatives of Al-Noor University College and representatives of the University of Mosul, who are members of the preparatory committee, in a meeting hosted by Al-Noor College, in which the financial mechanisms for the details of the conference were approved and organized, including travel, transportation, accommodation, and hospitality, along with specifying a number of details and entrusting them to those concerned with conducting them

A new meeting on the way to holding the first educational security conference2023-11-28T11:36:04+03:00

From the schedule of scientific activities of the Department of Dentistry


باشراف وحدة التعليم المستمر في كلية النور الجامعة وتنظيم قسم طب الاسنان أقيمت جلسة علمية صباح يوم الاثنين الموافق 2023/11/27ألقى فيها الدكتور  معن موفق نايف محمد الاستاذ المساعد في قسم طب الاسنان محاضرة تحت عنوان  challenges in fiber post restoration

From the schedule of scientific activities of the Department of Dentistry2023-11-28T12:01:29+03:00
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