Dental educational clinics continue to receive patients


In light of the great keenness of Al-Noor University College to highlight the methods available to it to provide field services to the people in its home environment, and to expand the volume of services whenever possible, it is also keen to perpetuate this positive openness to society, therefore, educational dental clinics continue to provide advisory, preventive, and therapeutic services to families in support of providing advanced stage students with experience, enhancing the experiences of their professors, and providing the treatment or medical intervention needed by those suffering from dental problems.

Dental educational clinics continue to receive patients2024-02-18T15:13:27+03:00

A lecturer from the Anesthesia Techniques Department publishes new research


يواصل تدريسيو كلية النور الجامعة حضورهم المؤشر على خارطة نشر البحوث والاسهام الفعلي في دعم حركة البحث العلمي لوزارة التعليم العالي حيث نشر الدكتور عبد الغني محمد ظاهر الأستاذ المساعد في قسم تقنيات التخدير في الكلية بحثاً جديداً في مجلة Oriental J. Of Chemistry يحمل عنوان synthesis, characterization,density,functional theory studies and antioxidant activityof novel hydrazone ligands and their metal complexes 

A lecturer from the Anesthesia Techniques Department publishes new research2024-02-18T11:57:43+03:00

The English Department simulates assessment exams with proactive exams


On the way towards preparing the students of the English Department at Al-Noor University College and accustoming them to the nature of the ministerial assessment exam and the joint exam, and as a proactive step, the department conducted an experimental exam that simulates the bubble sheet assessment exam, where the marking is electronic. This system is a global system for international tests, and it is a step towards educating students and professors at the same time and advance them towards innovation and internationalism.

The English Department simulates assessment exams with proactive exams2024-02-18T08:24:35+03:00
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