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So far Nermeen Rasheed has created 432 blog entries.

Al-Noor University participates in an Iraqi workshop for preparing the national resident


شارك الدكتور صباح حسين محمد حسين الاستاذ المساعد في قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية في جامعة النور ممثلاً عن الجامعة في ‏ورشة العمل الحضورية في جانبها العملي والدورة التدريبية الخاصة بإعداد المقيم الوطني لإعتماد برامج كليات المجموعة التربوية مع استمارة تقييم مدى تطبيق متطلبات برامج كليات المجموعة التربوية هذه الورشة اقيمت في (العاصمة بغداد)في كلية الإمام الكاظم عليه السلام في يومي الاثنين والثلاثاء 29- 30‏/4‏/2024 وهي من اعداد المجلس الوطني لإعتماد برامج كليات المجموعة التربوية في جهاز الإشراف والتقييم العلمي في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي برئاسة الأستاذ الدكتور حيدر حاتم صالح وفريق المجلس المكون من الاستاذ الدكتور فتحي [...]

Al-Noor University participates in an Iraqi workshop for preparing the national resident2024-05-12T09:42:46+03:00

Professor Dr. Sameer Khalaf Abdullah chairs a discussion committee at Salahaddin University.


ترأس الأستاذ الدكتور سمير خلف عبدالله مساعد رئيس جامعه النور للشؤون العلمية لجنة مناقشة طالبة الدكتوراه نفين نوزاد رجب الموسومه Characterization and isolation of some fungi from domestic pigeon droppings in the Governorate of Erbil فى قسم علوم الحياة .كلية العلوم.جامعه صلاح الدين فى اربيل يوم الاحد المصادف 2024/4/28؛ وشارك فى عضوية اللجنة كل من الأستاذ المساعد خطاب احمد مصطفى من جامعه السليمانية والأستاذ المساعد هيرو محمد اسماعيل من جامعه صلاح الدين والأستاذة المساعدة اسيا عبدالحميد محمدمن جامعه دهوك والأستاذة المساعدة فيان بدرالدين من جامعه اربيل الطبيه والأستاذ الدكتور نديم احمد رمضان من كليه الحدباء الجامعه مشرفا وقد نالت الطالبه [...]

Professor Dr. Sameer Khalaf Abdullah chairs a discussion committee at Salahaddin University.2024-04-30T10:11:30+03:00

Bodybuilding champions congratulate Al-Noor University.


In a heartfelt initiative by the sports leaders in Ninawa Province, the Iraqi Bodybuilding Federation, Ninawa branch organized a visit to the presidency of Al-Noor University. During the visit, they presented a specially designed shield inscribed with congratulatory messages to the university's board of trustees. The shield was handed over to Khalil Ibrahim Aboudi, the esteemed president of the Iraqi Bodybuilding Federation in Ninawa, by the president of the university's sports council.

Bodybuilding champions congratulate Al-Noor University.2024-04-30T12:00:27+03:00

Al-Karam Medical Company congratulates our academic family on the transformation of our college into Al-Noor University."


The joyous congratulations continue to pour in from the admirers of Al-Noor University and its family, as they carry bouquets of flowers and shields to present to its president and board of trustees in daily visits. On Monday morning, 29/4/2024, a distinguished delegation from the esteemed medical company Ahl-Alkaramand and its outstanding director, Zaid Hashim Al-Jammas, visited Al-Noor University. They met with the board of trustees and the president, presenting the university president with the company's shield alongside a joyful bouquet of flowers. It's noteworthy that the company has undertaken the furnishing of most of the university's laboratories with the necessary equipment and devices.

Al-Karam Medical Company congratulates our academic family on the transformation of our college into Al-Noor University."2024-04-29T22:52:04+03:00

Ni​​nawa Banks in Al-Noor University's Realm


On Monday, 29/4/2024, at eleven in the morning, Al-Noor University hosted the Financial Inclusion events sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi Private Banks League, with participation from government and private banks as well as electronic payment companies in Ninawa. Private and government banks were allocated booths where their staff explained the process of transitioning to electronic transactions and overcoming issues associated with paper-based transactions. The Director-General of the Central Bank of Iraq congratulated the Al-Noor University community on its transition from a college to a university and presented them with a shield from the Central Bank, received by Professor Dr. Yassin Taha Al-Hajjar, the university's president.

Ni​​nawa Banks in Al-Noor University's Realm2024-04-29T22:47:04+03:00

Fourth-year students of the English Language and Translation departments compete with their graduation research projects


ابتكر قسم اللغة الانكليزية في كلية التربية بجامعة النور تقليداً جديداً جمع فيه طلبة المرحلة الرابعة في اقسام اللغة الانكليزية والترجمة في جامعات النور والموصل والحمدانية صباح يوم الاثنين الموافق 2024/4/29 في قاعة D1 في رحاب جامعة النور ضمن مسابقة عرض بحث التخرج في خمس دقائق لاختيار افضل ثلاثة بحوث ضمن افضل توقيت عرض،مع منح شهادات تقديرية للاعمال المشاركة علما ان المنافسة شملت عرض 21 بحثاً عرضت امام لجنتين علميتين من تدريسيي جامعات محافظة نينوى. وكانت المنافسات قد بدأت بكلمتين القاهما تباعاً الاستاذ الدكتور خزعل فتحي زيدان عميد كلية التربية والاستاذة المساعدة الدكتورة نداء سالم عمر رئيسة قسم اللغة الانكليزية [...]

Fourth-year students of the English Language and Translation departments compete with their graduation research projects2024-04-29T13:28:02+03:00

A professor in the Arabic Language Department has published a new research paper.


تم نشر بحث انجزه الدكتور جاسم خلف الياس التدريسي في قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية بجامعة النور تحت عنوان (الأنساق الثقافية في رواية "امرأة في عيون نزقة" لإيمان المحمداوي في مجلة التربية للعلوم الإنسانية ، العدد الخاص بوقائع مؤتمر اللغات الثالث في قسمه الأول لشهر آذار 2024. وهي مجلة علمية محكمة تصدر عن كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية في جامعة الموصل

A professor in the Arabic Language Department has published a new research paper.2024-04-29T09:42:45+03:00

Students of the Arabic Language Department are taking the joint exams


Students of Al-Noor University continue to take joint exams in their various colleges. Second-year students of the Arabic Language Department at the College of Education took the exam in Lexicography and Phonetics, third-year students took exams in Grammar, and fourth-year students took exams in Modern Arabic Criticism.

Students of the Arabic Language Department are taking the joint exams2024-04-28T15:47:14+03:00

The banks of Nineveh shed light on financial inclusion within the premises of Al-Noor University.


As part of the activities of the Financial Inclusion Week sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi Private Banks League, with the participation of government and private banks in Nineveh, as well as electronic payment companies, Monday, 29/4/2024, was dedicated to events held at Al-Noor University from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The activities included presentations of banking services provided by participating banks, financial awareness sessions on the use of electronic payment cards, and promotion of electronic transactions.

The banks of Nineveh shed light on financial inclusion within the premises of Al-Noor University.2024-04-28T15:17:34+03:00

Professors from Nineveh University present bouquets of flowers to Al-Noor University.


A select group of recently appointed faculty members at Nineveh University, who had previously been working on contracts at Al-Noor University, decided to express their gratitude to their first academic home by bringing bouquets of flowers. These flowers carried the pulse of their affectionate hearts as they presented them to the university's board of trustees on the occasion of its transformation from Al-Noor College to Al-Noor University. They were enveloped in a serene atmosphere during a friendly session, where discussions about academic life and work in universities took place amidst the scent of shared memories. Al-Noor University wished them success in their new academic endeavors.

Professors from Nineveh University present bouquets of flowers to Al-Noor University.2024-04-28T12:57:47+03:00
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